POST # 163 NDP Seeking “Green” Votes There Are More Than One “Kind” Of Environment Disasters

Tuesday, May 2, 2017 5:22 pm
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Dear Jonina Campbell B.C. Green Party Candidate for New Westminster:
I am writing you regarding “what you don’t know, can’t hurt you, what you do know gives one a defense a sense of preparedness, perhaps?
Is there something within the Legislature that People have been not given the knowledge of? Only to be given this sense of powerlessness, being given no rights yet we are told we have The Canadian Charter of Human Rights that to trust in “blindly” when those Human Rights are denied, we know then after the fact is that betrayal causes health issues as well as much grief it’s about time we are given the opportunity to make a real change, those that corrupted the party through interference lobbying fundraiser’s of the parties that abuse the position they are entrusted with should be punished disqualified and the party disbanded. While those trusting blindly and in ignorance can give their best intentions elsewhere, since supposedly parties “missionary statement and intent” is to serve the public interests, not serve up the public for business interests of capitalizing and profiting, by whatever means, comes what may.
Therefore I am writing to inform you (in the hopeful event of your being elected MLA of New Westminster) and therefore would be in the position of exposing correcting and eliminating the originating policy/policies that gave access to the “terror tactic, experiences” of my Family that the NDP have for over twenty years refused to acknowledge their truth and ignored that it is their responsibility. The consequences they initiated with my Family “experiences” the treatment by the then NDP Government of British Columbia, and, since then, the efforts I have made to the last two subsequent members of the NDP New Westminster MLA’s supposedly hired and elected sworn to represent my Family and myself as New Westminster citizens, have been deflected (the party planned to obstruct my efforts, I believe) with Dawn Black’s placement as an officiate in The Legislature, then again my efforts have also been ignored by the NDP candidate and MLA, Judy Darcy.
A few years ago since my efforts were again cast aside or ignored, I even went so far as to enter my experiences in New Westminster’s writing contest known as Lit Fest here in New Westminster, of course I didn’t win, as a matter of fact I knew it would be quite doubtful that I would win, given the “subjected” matter! However, the leader of the NDP Opposition Adrian Dix made an appearance at this event and stood with a “pinched” look about his face, less than a foot away from me, a thought that possibly he had been given access to read my rejected entry came to my mind as we awaited entry into the same theatre!
(This theatre, is the same theatre, co-incidentally, as the recent Green Party event featuring David Suzuki, Green Party Leader Doctor Andrew Weaver, and yourself, Jonina).
I wrote the president of the NDP in 2016 who ignored my letter, basically outlined the same as below. I again made efforts when John Horgan replaced Adrian Dix as Leader of this same NDP party. I wonder if he realizes the consequences owned by the then NDP Government’s past conduct since as he seems to have no qualms about the conduct of the then former NDP Government? How can this be considered an ethical party to represent and to be even eligible to enter for this same contest given past performance and then its refusal to acknowledge their “terror tactics” by publically apologizing and compensating for the consequences my Father and I suffered? I know that there are many other Family/People/Individual’s that are still suffering likewise, therefore I am hopeful you will succeed!
The NDP denied our Canadian Chartered Human Rights & Freedoms this assured my father’s death and my suffering P.T.S.D. Social Services refused requested emergency funds incarcerated in three NDP government sponsored training programs. I was enrolled in 1996 Breakthrough 11 received news my father was admitted into a Toronto Hospital diagnosed with a terminal illness and 50% chance of surviving, knew I was needed. I told classmates and facilitators my situation one suggested hitching a ride, the employment counsellor advised go to Legal Aid. I did, they couldn’t help due to government cutbacks. Murderers’ rapists receive escorted visitations, and escaped custody while doing so.
Next morning I was called into the administrator’s office told if I return to Toronto, my Family here in BC will be taken off financial assistance. I asked if she’d been called by the welfare office and instructed to tell me this she nodded saying yes. Life Skills facilitator Linda McDonald said “we don’t need help”. A math test so odd the facilitator asked where I’d gone. I’d been experiencing black outs during class, once my brain tried to leave my body to visit my Father! At graduation they lied to everyone at the ceremony that I’d chosen to stay in Breakthrough rather than visit my Father.
1997 I blacked out on the bus, on the sky train suffered high anxiety attacks so bad I had to exit at stations before reaching NDP’s Sponsored 3 month Capilano College Office Administration Fundamentals course. Discussing my entry test with the job counsellor and executive they told me I was eligible however I’d made errors. I reached out to pick up my file on the table to see where, they both put hands on it stopping me. Calmly I said “Oh I’m not allowed to see” I was given a certificate for showing grace under pressure. Jill a brace on her leg was given a 3 week work placement delivering flyers door to door. Terry a qualified nurse her license expired NDP had refused her renewal funding. Business Communications taught by another facilitator was not given access to the locked computer room and we couldn’t practice typing business letters. We were taught numerous computer courses with no printer until a few weeks before graduating.
The third NDP course Dad phoned every second weekend hinting he needed to see me knowing his poor health our family history I was deeply concerned, still under the threat, and still unable to go to him. When I was 12 Mom had a heart attack doctor diagnosed a vegetable. My Aunt and cousin blamed Dad who I recall saying “there’s no one to help me”. At 15 travelling to Trois Rivieres I prevented Dad driving our car off a bridge as Dad was saying “I might as well give up”.
1998 The Professional Cook Level 1, the initial interview program administrator Jean Hamilton said the program consisted of 7 welfare students the rest EI students. Jean assured, those of us on welfare wouldn’t be segregated and lunch would be provided for everyone. Classes were at the UFCW offices, while the cooking lessons were at the New West Secondary Cafeteria. Lunch time came with no food offered to us until after a week or so someone finally asked about it, a huge can of soup appeared. Two weeks into the program Jean Hamilton announced someone from Social Services had papers for us on welfare to sign, she was waiting for us across the hall. Well we were segregated! Jean told us we were being monitored constantly, talking with fellow classmate Scott about dark depression I mentioned manic he asked had I been diagnosed I said no. The next day a man with a ladder came in searching the room until his eyes settled on me in came another guy then another all three working on a small ceiling tile right behind our table.
From the first lesson until graduation Chef Master John Bateman subjected us to sexist jokes. Every one received a brand new knife set except mine. I received an almost new set a chef knife was scratched obviously old compared to the others. I took the whole set back to him. Chef Bateman assured me this knife set had been assigned to me. Twice I asked my kitchen partner to sharpen it without success and at least a dozen or more my husband tried without success.
In the kitchen making Hollandaise with my partner I fainted on my feet coming to leaning against him unable to move my legs asked how I get there, promptly forgot about the incident until months after the course finished.
January 7 1999 I received a call informing me my Father had died without seeing me. I attended his funeral without permission denying Social Services another chance to threaten me with my family here in BC. I returned to classes which included a computer segment facilitated be Jarrod. Jean Hamilton deliberately mispronounced his name during the initial interview when I mispronounced it he was not pleased. Seeking assistance with the computer he told me to watch the mouse which he scrambled so it hurt my eyes. Another occasion, I reversed the image on the computer telling Jarrod about it he told that was impossible and left my side in a huff before I could demonstrate instead showed Charlie sitting at his computer beside me who had overheard and seen everything. Jean said we could get advances so Charlie asked and was ignored as he was a welfare recipient, while Lou was on EI had his requests granted every time.
My work placement was at the Executive Hotel in Coquitlam the chef verbally abusive to the kitchen staff calling them fucking bitches while the sous chef married was hot & heavily getting it on with a waitress. Weekend buffets I was assigned making omelet a request egg whites only telling me not to oil the pan the sous chef insisted I oiled it saying what he doesn’t know etc. I oiled it as little as possible. Twice I cut my thumb at home using the sabotaged knife and both times I fainted almost breaking my neck into the corner of my kitchen wall as I fell. I returned to the Hotel to work with a band aid on.
Jean Hamilton was our job search facilitator everyone was facing the chalkboard while Jean came to the back behind where I sat talking about an absent student telling the class she knew why he was in the class for the five dollars a day for attending. Her voice contemptuous I turned looking at her face contorted into a sneer. I fought a very strong urge to wipe the sneer from her face with the back of my hand.
After graduating I realized something was wrong experiencing strange happenings in my brain. I remembered at four I was rudely dragged from sleep my cousin carried my down stairs to their living room. I was subjected to psychological warfare by two aunts’ #1 ex-military #2 special needs teacher and cousin who held me on his lap they terrorized for ages with religious sermon yelling my parents would burn in hell then told get on my knees and pray because I was too noisy. Looking into my mother’s sister’s eyes I thought to myself “there’s something wrong inside Auntie Clare”. Finally carried up to bed I pinched my arm again and again. When I awoke next morning checked my arm for pinch marks that were gone, thought I’d dreamt it. Afterwards, I suffered black-outs required stitches and went missing. After a few months in early 2000 I visited my Doctor told my experience the doctor told me I was abused, my brain had buried the experience as a coping mechanism because I still lived with my abusers.
Late 2000 I made two Human Rights Commission complaints against Social Services and UFCW facilitators I received a call from their complaints analyst Maureen Shields and I enquired of the two I had sent in November 2000 was told they were rejected because the offences had taken place prior to the year time limit. I objected I had returned the knife set he, the chef could hurt someone else I was told it did not matter how much blood I had lost. She also said lots of families are homeless living in cars. The tone of her voice said volumes. I was furious and requested the return of the complaints they arrived a few days later the Social Services complaint was covered with coffee cup rings. I was diagnosed a few years later with P.T.S.D. which is a permanent disability that has had a detrimental effect on my ability to live a tranquil peaceful life.
Sincerely Canadian C.M.B.
Tuesday, May 2, 2017 8:32 am
Regarding NDP seeking “green” votes? What goes around comes around to it?
There are more than one “kind” of environment disasters and then there’s quite another shade of green too!
Maybe it’s worthy to recall what it was under the then NDP Government?
I’ve lived in New Westminster since 1989 (in B.C. since 1975) as I recall it, it was under the then NDP Government that purged “Woodlands” of the mentally ill, they were out onto the streets of New Westminster to beg for food and rent money,  the then NDP Government declared it was out of concern and under the guise of caring for them being incarcerated was the fact the plan that came to light when the Liberal’s took office as government that the Woodlands site went up for sale and was sold to developers and those developments are plain to see, the question remains was the NDP’s nose out of joint for not being in power to collect those moneyed gains from the sale of Woodlands, now known as Victoria Hill?
How about when legal aid was available, then it wasn’t, due to the NDP Government clawing back funding for Legal Aid?
Does anyone else recall, as I also recall there was another former NDP Premier who took 25 businesses along on a “Family Vacation” and suddenly outsourced jobs and insourcing cheap exploited “slave labour” became the “norm”?  
Wasn’t it also under a former NDP Government that massive movement of British Columbians of working and comfortably homed Families became jobless and homeless, living on the streets in cars in the bushes?
Wasn’t it was also under the former NDP Government that it was revealed “patients/residents” of Woodlands and Riverview were taken to be guinea pigs for science experiments?
Wasn’t it also under the former NDP Government desisted hospitals from providing doctors and nurses training providing facilities and thereby long waiting began and opened clinics as a perverse gateway for privatizing our healthcare?
Do correct me if my memory has played tricks on me!
Saturday April 29 I voted for the shade of green I thought was most appropriate. 
Sincerely Canadian C.M.B.